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Generative AI Masterclass

Discover the possibilities of generative AI for your business or organisation in our 2-hour Masterclass. We guide you through the generative AI revolution and give you practical insights and advice in how to empower your business or organisation with generative AI.

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What to expect

For our 2-hour Masterclass, our team comes to your office to guide you through today's generative AI applications, models and practices. We give you practical knowledge and advice based on your organisation's context.

1. Generative AI keynote

Keynote - 45 mins

Application demos - 15 mins

We'll explore the evolution of AI, dive into different AI models and application demos.

We'll discuss the benefits and pitfalls of generative AI and how it'll shape the organisation of the future.

2. Use Case Discovery

Guided brainstorm - 1 hour

Together, we'll brainstorm about possible use cases of generative AI for your organisation.

Using our simple opportunity framework, we'll discover where generative AI could accelerate and empower your business and its stakeholders.

3. Your own AI roadmap

After the Masterclass

Using the input from our discovery session, we'll come up with a plan for your AI roadmap.

This includes development and budgeting.

Book your Masterclass

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Explore our AI cases
